3 Reasons You Should Be Helping TMJD Patients Dr. Alex Vidan
TMJD (jaw pain, popping, clicking) is a $4 BILLION Industry! People are spending a LOT of money to be able to talk and chew without pain. Because much of the Dysfunction in TMJD is related to the cervical component, chiropractors are perfectly positioned to help people who suffer from this debilitating disease.
Whether you currently run a busy practice or you're just starting out, working with TMJD patients is an excellent way to open up your practice to a whole new market! As if that weren't enough, here are 3 more reasons why working with TMJD patients will help your practice.
TMJD Patients Start Care Once you start receiving referrals from Oral Care Providers (OCPs), you'll see that patients who are referred by their OCPs almost always start care. Why? Because their dentist/orthodontist/oral surgeon is the end-all-be-all-KNOW-all of the jaw. So a referral from the already-trusted OCP means instant trust in you, too. Plus, many of these patients are in crisis mode.
TMJD Patients are Compliant Patients who are suffering from jaw pain, clicking, popping, etc. have tried everything! They have often been to a slew of doctors who haven’t been able to resolve the problem. I once had a patient who had been blending all her foods for months due to pain when she chews. If your patient’s motivating factor is “I just want to be able to chew a steak!”…that means they are ready to take whatever means necessary to find relief! When you are specifically trained to effectively communicate and care for both cervical and TMJ components, patients will see the value of starting care in your office.
TMJD Patients Understand Wellness Once you've helped a TMJD patient find relief, they will often be a patient for life. Most of my TMJD Patients are my biggest cheerleaders. They show up for every event, they refer friends and family, and they continue to be compliant through maintenance care. Plus, OCPs encourage patients they have referred to you to prevent future setbacks through maintenance care. It's a win-win for everyone involved!