These days, video is the most valuable tool for getting our your message on social media. You know you should be educating your community through video, but you're not sure what to do first. Maybe you're asking some of the same questions that I hear all the time:
What kind of equipment do I need? What do I say? What do people want to learn and need to know? How can I improve my videos?
Whether you've been making your own videos for years, or you don't even know where the video button is on your phone--this Video 101 course is for you!
Videos 101. This is everything you need to know to start shooting video to get your message to the masses and start maximizing your business potential. You'll get the best experience if you start with the first section and work your way down, but feel free to come back to any of the sections at any time if you need a review. You're going to do great! Any questions, contact us at [email protected].
1: Intro and Moving-Making: Extremely Low-Budget Equipment
Where to shoot your videos What equipment you need Apps for Editing
2: Top Topics to Catch Your Community's Attention
3: What to Say in Your Video: Key Points
4: Strategies to Remember Your Key Points
Remembering your key points More Tips for Shooting Quality Videos
5. Behind-the-Scenes Video Shooting Tips and Tricks
Engaging the Patient
The Set Up
Final Cut!
6: Uncomfortable on Camera: What to Do When You're Camera-Shy
7: How to Shoot: Talking Heads, Sit & Shoot, Props
8: Leverage Videos to Turn into Visits
9: Copy Counts: What to Write on Social Media
Click the button below to download this file and read about top strategies for writing social media copy (text) for your videos.